
支持无限制历史记录的Paint.NET 3.5.8

支持无限制历史记录的Paint.NET 3.5.8 Final,你用了吗?



最新消息,由华盛顿州立大学的学生开发和维护,并由微软公司提供项目指导的一款图像和照片处理软件Paint.NET3.5.8Final逐渐成为功能强大且容易使用的软件,。该软件采用的开发语言是C#,是早期定位于MSPaint的免费替代软件。该软件支持图层,无限制的历史记录,特效,和许多实用工具,并且开放源代码且完全免费。Paint.NET v3.5.8 -  released on March 5th, 2011This update fixes some issues with the fault-tolerant save feature introduced in 3.5.7.* Fixed: Saving to a folder that has been moved or renamed will display an error instead of crashing (regression from 3.5.6)* Fixed: Saving to a Sharepoint site will now work (regression from 3.5.6)* Fixed: Saving to a file that is marked as read only will now give an error instead of crashing (regression from 3.5.6)* Fixed: General reliability and correctness improvements to fault-tolerant saving 下载地址

相关文摘:软件资讯 Paint.NET 3.5.8
标题名称:《支持无限制历史记录的Paint.NET 3.5.8》