
暗黑3封号问题 暴雪开始封杀按键精灵和脚本使用者




暗黑3最近出了不少BUG,严重扰乱了游戏平衡。暴雪为此也头痛,一脸出了好几次补丁更新。由于游戏太过火热,导致玩家利用BUG疯狂刷宝,惹怒了暴雪,暴雪今发表官方公告警示所有玩家,看来它还真的发飙了!终于,《暗黑3》封号事件开始了!面对玩家各种利用游戏BUG或是漏洞游戏,暴雪大神下了圣旨,再继续使用BUG等游戏漏洞进行游戏将被封号。这让还想继续踢罐子、挂柱子的人情何以堪。不过对于大部分玩家我觉得还是个好消息。毕竟利用游戏BUG是对游戏造成影响的。以下是暗黑3封号公告大意:如果你利用一个漏洞,无论是故意,恶意,只要是反复利用游戏漏洞。无论这个漏洞是否影响到其他玩家的人物,或者游戏体验,游戏服务和游戏经济系统。无论你是否试图掩盖你利用了游戏漏洞。如果以上行为经过人工多人审核证明,你的暗黑3账号将被封停,如果你激活使用一个新的CDKey进行游戏,那么你以前CDKey内的所有物品将不再存在。PS:提醒大家还是要注意一下吧,毕竟现在是暴雪大神重点关注的时期,大家不要去挑战!!尽量不要被卷进这场腥风血雨呀。原文如下:Account Action: Account ClosureOffense: Bug ExploitationWe have a top notch Quality Assurance team who tirelessly stamp out bugs and design inconsistencies within Diablo III. However, a handful of trained professionals can never isolate and resolve each and every bug in such a deep and complex game accessed simultaneously by thousands of players. You may come across the occasional bug during your adventures. Some bugs are minor and do not affect gameplay, but sometimes these bugs can be used to provide an unfair advantage to certain players or affect the service itself. Factors included in determining the appropriate penalty:* Whether or not the exploit is performed intentionally, maliciously, and/or repeatedly* Whether or not the exploit damages another Hero, their gameplay, the service itself and/or its economy* Whether or not an attempt has been made to conceal the exploit's use

相关文摘:角色扮演 暗黑3 新闻
标题名称:《暗黑3封号问题 暴雪开始封杀按键精灵和脚本使用者》