
VSCO CAM预设详细介绍 VSCO CAM预设风格特点解析

VSCO CAM预设详细介绍 VSCO CAM预设风格特点解析


vsco cam被称为最佳胶片模拟效果拍照软件,对于所有摄影爱好者来说vsco cam就是一个非常棒摄影拍照神器,能让你用手机也能轻松拍出单反级效果的照片来,那么下面小编就给大家带来vsco cam预设的所有介绍和用处吧,希望对刚开始用vsco cam的用户有所帮助。

F1 - F3—MELLOW / FADEDesaturated and understated, this F Series preset pack yields elegant results. An all-purpose pack with analogue film qualities, it excels at beautiful skin tones and quiet everyday moments.Tag: DESATURATED / PORTRAITF1 - F3——柔和,淡色低饱和度且颜色轻淡,F系列预设包用于展现出一种简洁。作为一个能保证表现出胶片品质的万能包,漂亮的肤色和宁静的日常生活是它的长项。标签:低饱和度,肖像

G1 - G3—PORTRAITCapture vibrant portrait with the G Series. Boasting brilliant skin tones, G1, G2 and G3 provide a flattering collection of presets for any portrait.Tag: PORTRAITG1 - G3——肖像用G系列捕捉充满活力的肖像。拥有明亮的肤色,G1,G2和G3为所有肖像提供一个讨人喜欢的预设集合。标签:肖像

T1 - T3—FADED & MOODYT1, T2 and T3 posses deep faded values, that are complemented by dramatic color hues. The T Series pulls the ambiance into a realm well suited for environments, nature and darker lit images.Tag: DESATURATEDT1 - T3——淡色,阴郁T1,T2和T3拥有高度的灰度加之戏剧般的色彩。T系列将气氛带入到一个非常适合环境,自然及暗光照片的范围。标签:低饱和度

X1 - X3—BLACK & WHITE; HEAVY FADEThe X Series exults gorgeous grey tones and a strong faded quality. X1, X2 and X3 are applicable for a broad range of situations.Tag: BLACK/WHITEX1 - X3——黑白,高灰度X系列以华丽的灰色调和强力的灰度为荣。X1,X2和X3广泛应用于各种情形。标签:黑白

K1 - K3—ANALOG CLASSICInspired by classic Kodachrome film, the K Series emulates the bright and poppy look of its analog forefather. K1, K2 and K3 are classic and bold, recommended for a variety of scenarios.Tag: VIVIDK1 - K3——模拟经典灵感来自经典的柯达彩色幻灯片Kodachrome,K系列效仿着它前身的明亮醉人视觉。K1,K2和K3是经典且吸引人的,推荐用于各种场景。标签:鲜艳

P7 - P9—INSTANT + CLASSICThe third pack in the Instant Film series, P7, P8, and P9 represent a wide range of Instant Film aesthetics and are purposed for all-around use.Tag: INSTANTP7 - P9——拍立得,经典拍立得胶片系列的第三部分,P7,P8和P9代表着大部分拍立得胶片的美感以及全面。标签:拍立得

S4 - S6—BRIGHT + WARMCreate instant memories with the presets S4, S5 and S6. The warm orange and yellow tones are perfectly suited for on-the-go portraits and sun-drenched lifestyle images.Tag: VIVIDS4 - S6——明亮,暖色用S4,S5和S6创作瞬间的回忆吧。温暖的橙黄色调对于旅行肖像和阳光生活完美契合。标签:鲜艳

    M4 - M6—MOOD : SUBTLE FADEExhibiting subtle tones, the second pack in the M Series evoke the vintage hues of the 70’s. These desaturated and mellow presets are ideal for urban environments and portraits.Tag: DESATURATEDM4 - M6——阴郁,轻微淡化展现细微的色调,M系列的第二部分透出七十年代的复古色彩。这些预设低饱和度且柔和,用于城市环境和生活非常理想。标签:低饱和度

B1 - B3—BLACK & WHITE CLASSICSimple yet enduring, the B Series presets provide subtle black and white refinement. With excellent shadow detail and contrast, this pack is an accommodating addition to any image.Tag: BLACK/WHITEB1 - B3——黑白,经典简单却经久不衰,B系列预设能提取最细微的黑白变化。凭借出色的阴影细节和对比度,它能够容纳任何图像。标签:黑白

P1 - P3—INSTANT + WARMThe P Series emulates the warm, creamy overtones and pop qualities of quintessential consumer instant films. P1, P2 and P3 are best suited for images of food, fashion, and everyday life.Tag: INSTANTP1 - P3——拍立得 + 暖色P系列是仿照拥有暖调奶油色的消费型拍立得胶片的典范。P1,P2和P3是食物,时尚和日常生活的最佳选择。标签:拍立得

   S1 - S3—BRIGHT + CLEANFlourishing with brightness, the S Series generates splendid skin tones and works optimally with portraits and scenes with lighter backgrounds.Tag: VIVIDS1 - S3——明亮,洁净亮度充足时,S系列显示出极好的肤色,明亮背景下的肖像和景色亦是最佳。标签:鲜艳

B4 - B6—BLACK & WHITE MOODYBoasting a dark presence, B4, B5 and B6 give gravity and depth to portraits. This high contrast pack greatly enhances detail in textures and environments.Tag: BLACK/WHITEB4 - B6——黑白,阴郁在阴暗中,B4,B5和P6让肖像变得有力而深沉。这个有高对比度的包大大提高了纹理和环境的细节。标签:黑白

M1 - M3—MOOD : UNDEREXPOESDA slightly faded and underexposed look define M1, M2 and M3. Exaggerated browns and greens make this pack preferable with nature, still life and expansive environments.Tag: DESATURETEDM1 - M3——曝光不足轻微的灰度和曝光不足的视觉诠释了M1,M2和M3。夸张的棕色和绿色让这个包十分适合自然,静物和广阔的环境。标签:低饱和度

P4 - P6—INSTANT + COOLThe second pack in the P Series, P4, P5 and P6 manifest an instant film appeal with emboldening cool and faded tones. Instant + Cool are well suited for food, fashion and everyday life.Tag: INSTANTP4 - P6——拍立得 + 冷色P系列的第二部分,P4,P5和P6表现出浓烈冷色和淡化色调的拍立得风格。拍立得+冷色相当适合食物,时尚和日常生活。标签:拍立得

C1 - C3—VIBRANT CLASSICBoasting vibrant yet controlled colors, C1, C2 and C3 are timeless, all-purpose presets created for a variety of scenarios and uses.Tag: VIVIDC1 - C3——鲜亮,经典拥有鲜亮活泼的色彩,C1,C2和C3是为各种各样的场景和用途而创造出来的永恒且万能的预设。标签:鲜艳

X4 - X6—BLACK & WHITE LIGHT TONESpirited and gently hued, the third X Series pack naturally replicates classic sepia tones. X4, X5 and X6 set forth an emboldened duotone pack fitting for a variety of occasions.Tag: BLACK/WHITEX4 - X6——黑白,亮色调浓烈而温柔的色调,X系列的第三部分自然的复刻出古典怀旧色调。X4,X5和X6正是适合各种场合的双色调的预设包。标签:黑白

Toolkit工具简介:Contrast(对比度):向左滑动图片整体明暗差异变小,向右滑动变大。Crop(剪裁):按一定比列选取图片内容。Temperature(色温):向左滑动图片整体变蓝,向右滑动变黄。Tint(色相):向左滑动图片整体变绿,向右滑动变紫。Exposure(曝光度):向左滑动图片整体变暗,向右滑动变亮。Saturation(饱和度):向左滑动图片整体色调变轻淡,向右滑动变浓郁。Fade(淡化):数值越大,图片整体灰度越高。Sharpening(清晰度):数值越大,图片整体锐利度越高。Grain(颗粒):数值越大,图片整体颗粒感越重。Vignette(暗角):数值越大,图片四周失光越重。Rotate(旋转):改变图片的角度。Shadows Save(阴影补充):提高阴影部分的亮度,对高光部分影响较小。Highlights Save(高光去除):降低高光部分的亮度,对阴影部分影响较小。新增:Skin Tone(肤色):Skin Tone is a simple but effective tool for creating healthier looking skin. This tool allows for subtle tone adjustment to a subject’s skin, as well as the evening out of color irregularities. The Skin Tone tool combats patchiness found in yellow and red skin tones, as well as enables the correction of overly red or green hues.肤色是一个用于创造健康肌肤的简单有效的工具。这个工具能够对拍摄对象的肌肤进行细微的色调调整,哪怕是色彩繁杂的夜晚。肤色工具可以减轻黄色和红色调肌肤的斑块,也能修正过度的红绿色调。对肤色(橙红色调)影响较大,向右滑动偏黄绿,向左滑动偏橙红。新增:Highlights Tint(高光色调):在高光区域填充橘色、奶油色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、洋红色,效果默认为最强,向左滑动减轻效果。Shadows Tint(阴影色调):在阴影区域填充紫色、红色、棕色、黄色、绿色、蓝色,效果默认为最强,向左滑动减轻效果。优点:1、预设支持效果预览(仅iPhone 4S及以上)。选择预设并再次单击会出现滑块,默认最大,减小可降低预设效果。编辑模式第三项可取消上次修改内容,最后一项可取消所有修改内容;按住照片可对比原始照片。2、Library图库支持多张图片导入,Flag加标功能,3种过滤方式(所有,加标,已编辑)以及3种显示方式(每行3张,每行2张,每行1张)。双击图片可查看照片信息(拍摄时间,光圈,感光度,闪光灯,地点),地点在国内基本不会准……3、Settings中的Preferences可以改变预设和工具的排列顺序,Social支持新浪微博分享。4、Camera增加白平衡锁定。双指同时触碰取景框可将Exposure曝光和Focus对焦标记分离指向。5、从旧版本的设置中选择Launch Upgrade Instructions——install legacy pack,可将旧版的10个预设导入新版中。缺点:1、iPhone 4及以下无法显示预设效果预览。仅iPhone 5及以上、iPod Touch 5保留了工具部分的Sharpening,Grain和Vignette选项。2、照片导出只能是原图尺寸,而旧版还有400px、700px、1024px可选。好了以上就是小编带来的vsco cam预设的所有效果和用途用法以及他们的风格特点,希望你们会喜欢。

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